Collin Colaizzi

April 1st (written on April 2nd)

April 02, 2020

When will we see 
The sun again? 
We go for walks 
In the dead of winter 

Just to pass the 
Time. On the first 
Of April, no one’s in 
The mood for jokes or

Games. The man 
Who’s never read
Picks up a book because 
There’s nothing better 

To do. The training of 
The mind begins, stamina 
Subtly increasing, sitting 
In the grass, listening to

Rock music and sketching is
Such a distant memory. So 
Heavy-handed, so dour 
The language becomes because 

There’s no other way to be. 
Many miles away and I’m not 
Even sure if we’re in love 
Anymore, at least in the way

We were before. It’s about 
The loss of control. A 
Forgotten call to the father 
On his birthday, though 

You had all the time in the 
World. And the little girl 
Can’t cut the apple 
By herself. 

© 2023