Collin Colaizzi


March 17, 2020

These perceived slights, 
Perceived by those who have not read 
Crime and Punishment
But can assume. 

A crack whore
Blowing through that $200 a month allowance. 
There’s something undeniably cool about 
Paid-for love,

Gives him credibility. 
Give me credibility. 
But you never text me back, 
You never play me back. 

A sweet sweet fantasy baby,
In comes the notification now, 
But much too late to stop the spiral, 
Incomes shrinking by the hour. 

Entertainment, paid-for entertainment, 
A son that died some ten years ago–
Inherited his companion, his furry little friend, 
Synths and snares. 

I feel good, I feel nice. 
The stealing can only go on so long, 
Reaching high into the register,
Nonetheless the frequencies are incompatible.

Education, educate me. 
How’s one do that with such fragile chords?
Lock yourself in the room for the longest time 
Expecting the slights to be corrected. 

Why bother with fantasy 
When the real thing is but a $25 plane ride 
Away? They, it cannot be forgotten, have a water slide. 
Relax your chords now, drink some tea. 

Music swells. Synths and snares
That remind you of when she was fatter, 
Or reminds you of that time at least, 
Part of you indefinitely 

Determined to leave,
Asked for a refund too, 
But who will be the one to wipe-up 
The dog piss then? 

Following along? She’s gonna give
The note. About narrative arc.
Add musical swells, synths and snares, 
To enhance your conclusion. But the one more thing... 

Outdoors, the air is foreign, smells 
Like shit. Fills your lungs and you realize
You were never meant to leave. Take me
Back. To that one story house. 

The strength to carry on, when do you 
Think she became too spoiled? You’re unsure 
Of the breaks, be honest. Don’t be 
So overt! 

In your contempt, out of contempt, 
Newfound friendship in an unlikely corner, 
Just keep talking, always keep talking, 
These are small ideas. When is 

Your epic coming? Delusion and 
Floppy tongues my friend. Delusion 
My friend. All she meant in terms 
Of aesthetics was a difference in length.

Radio djay call out my name before 
The station’s set ablaze. Play 
His favorite song. The one that was playing
Those ten years ago.

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